
Inspiration from clothing, art, design, and life itself.
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As I was deciding what to title this post, the first thought that came to mind was that old saying, “keep it simple, stupid”.  Which then got me thinking, where in the hell did that phrase come from?  So, I googled it!  It truly is a special time to be alive, people.

The phrase, “keep it simple, stupid”, or KISS, was actually coined by the Navy back in 1960.  The premise?  According to Wikipedia, “the principle states that most systems work best if they are kept simple rather than made complicated; therefore, simplicity should be a key goal in design, and unnecessary complexity should be avoided”.

Ummm, who knew the Navy was so in tune to the world of fashion, style and trends??  Of course, it is responsible for giving us the sailor look and pea coats, so I guess we shouldn’t be too surprised.

However, I don’t like calling anyone stupid, even if it’s part of a phrase like this.  We just don’t need that word in our lives.  So, when it comes to fashion:

Keep it simple, Gorgeous.

It can be so easy to get caught up in all the latest trends, or what the woman next to you in line at Starbucks is wearing, or how many different outfits that fashion girl you follow on Instagram posts each week.  But that all falls into the category of “unnecessary complexity” and the Navy itself tells us it should be avoided.  And who am I to argue with the group that turned navy blue into the new black?

If in doubt, simple is always the best choice.  Trends fade, but if you want a classic look that withstands the test of time, go for simple.  But that doesn’t have to mean boring or lazy.  I will always be a fan of the classic jeans and a white t-shirt look.  But the t-shirt needs to be crisp and fitted, and the jeans stylish and appropriate for your particular body type.

Another classic look?  Straight leg cropped jeans with a fitted black turtleneck or bodysuit.  Which I just happen to be wearing in these shots!  Crazy how that worked out, isn’t it?

If you are looking for a simple item in which to invest, you can’t go wrong with a lightweight black turtleneck.  This one I actually plucked off the sale rack at a Club Monaco in Boston.  Do you know how long ago it was that I lived in Boston?  I moved away in 2008, so this turtleneck is at least 11 years old, likely 12, and it is still in heavy rotation three seasons out of the year.

Another perk of going the simple route is that you can then have fun with the accessories without going overboard.

I’m not saying trendy looks or pieces don’t have a place.  But if you base your wardrobe around simple (but not boring) items that classically reflect your style, it’s much easier to throw in a more outgoing piece without looking like you’re trying too hard.

And couldn’t we all use a little more simplicity in our lives?

What about you!  I want to know your favorite simple and classic looks.  Share them in the comments below!

Laura Behnke The Life Actually Company Jeans Turtleneck Simple Style
Laura Behnke The Life Actually Company Jeans Turtleneck Simple Style

Laura Behnke The Life Actually Company Jeans Turtleneck Simple Style
Laura Behnke The Life Actually Company Jeans Turtleneck Simple Style
Laura Behnke The Life Actually Company Jeans Turtleneck Simple Style

Laura Behnke The Life Actually Company Jeans Turtleneck Simple Style

Laura Behnke The Life Actually Company Jeans Turtleneck Simple Style
Laura Behnke The Life Actually Company Jeans Turtleneck Simple Style

Laura Behnke The Life Actually Company Jeans Turtleneck Simple Style
Laura Behnke The Life Actually Company Jeans Turtleneck Simple Style

Laura Behnke The Life Actually Company Jeans Turtleneck Simple Style

Laura Behnke The Life Actually Company Jeans Turtleneck Simple Style
Laura Behnke The Life Actually Company Jeans Turtleneck Simple Style
Laura Behnke The Life Actually Company Jeans Turtleneck Simple Style

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